Engraving instructions
Many of our silicone molds come with slightly recessed patterns that leave patterns with a matte appearance on the surface of your finished resin part after demoulding.
Especially when working with a lot of color, this effect may not be as effective as one would like. In this blog post we will show you how you can make the engravings particularly beautiful.
What you need:
Finished cast piece with engraved motif
Acrylic markers (or paint markers) Link to our markers
cotton swab
Microfiber cloth
Alcohol (ethanol or slightly weaker isoprpoanol)
First, color in the engraving with the acrylic pens.
You can also use paint pens, but keep in mind that not every pen can be removed immediately.
After the engraving has been painted, take a cotton swab, moisten it with ethanol and start removing the excess paint. Because the engraving is deeper, the color stays in the engraving while you can easily remove the paint on the surface. Keep the cotton swab as flat as possible to avoid wiping into the depression. If you have removed too much, you can simply paint the affected area again with the marker.
Once the worst of it is removed, drizzle the ethanol on the microfiber cloth and wipe the surface until it's shiny.
Now you are finished and have successfully refined your engraving. If you want, you can dome your resin piece to seal the surface. In order to keep the waiting time short, we recommend using a UV resin for doming, you can find our favorite UV resin (here) .
Instructions for applying gold edges to geodes
What you need:
Ready cast piece e.g. geodem coaster or tablet
Acrylic markers (or paint markers) Link to our markers
cotton swab
Microfiber cloth
Alcohol (ethanol or slightly weaker isoprpoanol)

Carefully guide the paint marker along the edge and paint the edge evenly. Be careful, the stifft needs some time to dry - after the edge has been painted, take a cotton swab, moisten it with ethanol and you can remove the excess paint or correct unsightly areas. If you have removed too much, you can simply paint the affected area again with the marker.
Now you are finished and have successfully finished the edge.
Have fun crafting, your Chooseyours11 team. Want to try this resin hack? Here is an overview of all our molds with engraving.
Where you can find the materials you need:
Finished cast part